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Foreign language Philosophy Homeland history History of medicine Physical culture Psychology Economics Jurisprudence Latin Physics and higher mathematics Chemistry (general and bioorganic) Information science Biology and fundamentals of ecology Biological chemistry Human anatomy Histology Normal physiology Microbiology and virology Pathological anatomyPathophysiology Propaedeutical therapeutics Pharmacology Topographical anatomy Propaedeutical pediatrics Common hygiene Social medicine, health management and health economics Epidemiology Introductory clinical course Radial therapy and diagnostics Medical physical training Medical control Infectious diseases Tropical medicine Psychiatry and narcology Dermatovenerology Medical genetics Neurology and neurosurgery ENT Ophthalmology Section course Forensic medicine Public relations on health protection and health promotion (public health) Clinical pharmacology Family medicine Internal diseases General physiotherapy Endocrinology Hematology Phtysiopulmonology Professional diseases Surgical diseases Infantile surgery Active surgery Traumatology and orthopedic Urology Stomatology Basics of anesthesiology and intensive care Oncology Infantile diseases Obstetrics Gynecology Polyclinical therapeutics Polyclinical surgery Polyclinical pediatrics Polyclinical obstetrics and gynecology |
Grammar skills to ensure regular communication with no distortion of meaning in writing and speaking; common grammatical phenomena which is typical of professional speech. Basic rules of word formation. Speaking in dialogues and monologues. Basics of public speech (verbal message, reporting).Reading. Types of texts: simple and pragmatic texts, small and large specialty profile texts.Writing. Types of expression: annotation, abstracts, thesis, messages, private letters, business letters, curriculum vitae.
Sounds articulation specifics, intonation, accentuation and rhythm of neutral speech in the target language, major specifics of full style pronunciation typical of formal; transcription.Vocabulary minimum of 4000 words. Speaking. Basics of public speech. Auditing. Comprehension of dialogues and monologues in common and professional communication. Reading. Types of texts: simple pragmatic texts as well as general and particular specialty texts.
Philosophy as a subject. The place and role of philosophy in culture. Formation of philosophy. Basic fields of schools of philosophy and its historical development stages. Structure of philosophical knowledge.
Essence, forms, functions of historical knowledge. Methods and sources of historical studies. Conception and classification of historical sources. What historians say about the ethnonym of Kyrgyz. Three basic fields of studies of origin and formation of the Kyrgyz nation. The history of Kyrgyzstan is an integral part of universal history.
Medicine development stages. General regularities of universally historical formation and development of medicine since ancient times to the present day.
Basics of healthy way of life. The mode of motional activity and capacity for work. Basics of physical training and sports. Professional and applied physical training. Physical culture and work management. Special training in sports.
The subject, the object and the methods of psychology. The branches of psychology. The place of psychology in the system of sciences and the psychology development history as a science. Basic fields of psychology. The composition, functions and qualities of central nervous system. The brain and psychics: principles and general mechanisms of communication. Genetic roots of psychology and behavior. Psychological and didactical basics of doctor’s activity. Psychological rapport between the doctor and the patient in treatment. Psychology of diagnostics. Doctor’s psychology.
Introduction into theory of economics. Benefits, needs, resources. Economic relations. Economic systems. Basic stages of economic theory development. Methods of economic theory.
The state and the law. The rule of law and legal regulations. Basic systems of law at present. The international law as a special system of law. The law and bills of law. Civil law liabilities and the responsibility for the breaching of laws. Future professional activities, regulation specifics. Juridical basics of doctor’s activity.
Brief history of Latin. Concepts of basic medical terminological nomenclatures. Basic principles of word formation. Clinical terminology: names of diseases, physicians-specialists, pathological conditions and methods of treatment and examination. Names of parts of body, organs, inflammation
Physical qualities of mechanics; vibrations and waves; molecular physics and thermodynamics; electricity and magnetism; optics; atomic and nuclear physics; physics of solids; physical practicals. Analytical geometry and linear algebra; differential and integral calculi; harmonic analysis; differential equations; the elements of theory of probability and statistics.
Chemical systems: solutions, disperse systems, electrochemical systems, catalysts and catalytic systems, polymers and olygomers, chemical thermodynamics and kinetics: energetics of chemical active conditions, chemical and phase balance, speed of reaction and its regulation methods, oscillatory reactions; reactionary qualities of substance: chemistry and the periodical system of elements; basic acidic qualities and oxidization-reconstruction qualities of substances, chemical coherence, complimentary characters; chemical identification: qualitative and quantitative analysis, analytical signal; chemical, physico-chemical and physical analysis; chemical practicum.
The concept of information science. Basics of computing techniques. Principles of work on PC. Computer software. MS DOS operated. Norton Commander program. Work with files and disks. MS Widows and its application. Work with MS Windows operating systems and its applications. Basics of image processing. Data base and SUBD. Local and global networks. Ways to search and copy information in the Internet. E-mail.
Life genesis and development regularities in general. Anthropogenesis and ontogenesis of human being. Laws of genetics. Biosphere and ecology. Parasitism phenomena. Living systems, physiology and ecology of human beings. Biologic and ecologic practicum.
Chemical nature of substances, chemical phenomena and active conditions in organism. Clinical biochemistry.
The composition of human body in interconnection to functions and topography of systems and organs. Development and individual specifics
Basic regularities of development and vital functions of organism supported by structural organization of cells, tissues and organs. Histo-functional specifics of tissue elements and their research methods.
Functional systems of human organism, their regulation and self-regulation when environmentally affected. Particular organs and systems functioning regularities.
Classification, morphology and physiology of microorganisms and their identification. Role and qualities of microorganisms. Their spread and impact on human health. Research methods.
Structural basics of diseases and pathological active conditions. Morphologic changes of organs and tissues caused by pathological active conditions. Individual pathological anatomy.
Causes, basic development mechanisms and outcomes of standard pathological active conditions. Regularities of organs and system functioning abnormalities.
Propaedeutical therapeutics
Common clinical symptoms and syndromes of internal diseases syndromes. Symptomatology of most common diseases taking their typical and classical course. Basic principles of rendering medical assistance under pressing conditions. Laboratory and instrumental methods of research.
The subject and objectives of pharmacology, its rank among other medical disciplines. Prescriptions. General pharmacology. Pharmacological kinetics and pharmacological dynamics of medicinal remedies. Classification, mechanism of action, pharmacological effects, indications and contraindications, side-effects of major groups of remedies. Common principles of treatment of medicinal poisoning.
Basic concepts of topographical anatomy (its scope, internal and external guiding points, projection of anatomic formations on coverlet, their holotopy, skeletotopy, sinotopy).
Propaedeutical pediatrics
Child age periods. Physical development of children. Nervous and psychic development of children. Anatomical and physiological specifics of skin and subcutaneous-adipose cellular tissue, skeleto-muscular system, respiratory organs, cardiovascular system, digestive and urinary organs. Specifics of blood system. Feeding. Development of immunity in children.
Diseases associated with unfavorable impact of climatic and social factors. Hygienic aspects of nutrition. Hygiene of children and adolescents. Hygienic problems of medical aid to workers employed in industry. Health promotion organization and realization. Ecology and rational usage of natural resources
The subject, place and role of social medicine, health management and health economics. Medical statistics. Population health indexes. Organization of medical assistance to population. Common diseases and their socio-hygienic significance. Social insurance and social protection. Planning, health finance and economics. Budget supported health insurance. Foreign and international health care.
Epidemiological studies. The system of epidemiological surveillance of aerosol and intestinal infections. Theoretical and methodical basics of military epidemiology. The concept of disinfection, and sterilization. Epidemiology and prevention of infectious diseases.
Introduction to nursing. Organization of nursing in medical and prevention settings. Seriously ill patient care. Participation of nurses in assessment of functional condition of patients, conducting simple physiological procedures, laboratory research. Infectious disease control. Prescription, storing and usage of medicinal remedies. Assistance of nurses to patients with surgical infections. Organization of nursing in pre - and post-operation periods. Pre-ambulatory medical assistance during bleeding. Nursing care for injured patients.
Principles and methods of radial diagnostics. Radial diagnostics of injuries and diseases muscular skeletal system. Radial diagnostics of diseases of lungs, heart, digestive system, liver and bile ducts. Comprehensive therapy of malignant tumors.
Physiological characteristics of organism conditions during sport activities. Reactions of trained and untrained organisms to testing loads.
Tasks, organization and maintenance of doctor’s control over physical education of population. Dispensaries and settings of medical and physical training, health centers.
Classification of infectious diseases, infectious disease development periods. Clinical symptoms, syndromes of infectious diseases. Specifics of epidemiological active conditions during infectious diseases. The concept of anti-epidemiological regime in medical settings and during treatment at home. Intestinal infections. Viral hepatitis. Respiratory infections. Blood (transmissive) infections. Infections of exterior covers. Urgent conditions in clinics of infectious diseases. Diagnostics of infectious diseases in polyclinics.
Influence of hot climate on human health. Specifics of health care organization in tropical countries. Classification of tropical diseases, disease development periods. Clinical symptoms, syndromes of tropical diseases. Specifics of epidemiological active conditions during infectious diseases. Diagnostics of tropical diseases.
Basic goals and objectives of psychiatry. Mentally sick patients examination methods. Specifics of communication and work of doctors with patients suffering from disorders of perception, thinking, memory and intellect. Effervescence or agitation, aggressive behavior. Therapeutic treatment of psychic and behavioral disorders. Epilepsy, mental retardedness. Alcoholism, drug and toxic substances abuse. Depression. Sleeping disorders.
General dermatovenerology, dermatovenerological patients examination methods, primary and secondary elements of rash. Piodermy. Scab, pediculosis, skin mycosis. Red lupus, sklerodermy. Eczema, dermatitis, toxidermy. Psoriasis, red flat herpes. Viral skin diseases. Basic stages of venerology development. Syphilis. Sexually transmitted diseases. Diagnostics and treatment.
Fundamentals of medical genetics. Role of heredity and environment in pathology development. Classification of hereditary diseases. Laboratory methods of diagnostics. Medico-genetic consulting.
Neurology and neurosurgery
Topical diagnostics of motional disorders. Central and peripheral paralysis. Vegetative nervous system, methods of examinations and syndroms of affection. Acute disorders of cerebral blood circulation. Cerebrocranial traumas. Brain inflammatory diseases.
Introduction to otolaringology. Audial analyzer: clinical anatomy, research methods. Vestibular analyzer. Morphological and physiological specifics of nose and its sinuses, lymphadenoid gullet ring. Tumors of ENT. Outpatient reception of ENT patients.
Clinical anatomy and functions of organs of sight. Clinical refraction. Pathology of ocular front section. Pathology of vascular truct and lens. Glaucoma. Sight organs injuries. Diseases of orbit.
Morbid anatomy service: organization, tasks, structures. Autopsy. Diagnosis: clinical, morbid anatomic. Biopsy. Clinical anatomic conference.
Organizational, procedural basics of forensic expertise. Demonstrational examination of corpse. Examination of corpse at the place of its detection. Forensic expertise.
Strategic fields of primary prevention. Health promotion, social mobilization of population. Public relations on health protection and promotion.
The subject and goals of clinical pharmacology. Selection of major groups of medicines for treatment and prevention of most commonly occurring diseases. Clinical pharmacological kinetics and dynamics of medicines. Interaction of medicines. Side-effects of medicinal therapy, prevention and correction measures. Concept of pharmacological economics and pharmacological epidemiology. Basic principles of rational drug administration. Informing, instructing and warning patients on usage of medicines
The subject and goals of family medicine. Health care reforms in the Kyrgyz Republic. Registration and reporting documentation. The statement on day hospital. Order #202. Registration and reporting documentation on pediatrics, vaccination plan. Feeding. Dispensary control over children of different risk groups. Integrated control of infantile diseases (acute respiratory infections, diarrhea, dyspepsia, disbacteriosis, respiratory infantile infections). Medical assistance rendered to pregnant women at outpatient settings. Clinical examination scheme for the pregnant with obstetrical pathologies and extragenital pathology. Tactics during purulent and inflammatory diseases at polyclinical settings. Abdominal and urogenital diseases. Outpatient traumatology, assistance during traumas, dislocations, fractures.
Etiology and pathogenesis of internal diseases. Clinical and functional-laboratory manifestations of typical diseases of internal organs. Skills of examination of therapeutic patients. Basic principles of pharmacological therapy and other methods of treatment and prevention of therapeutic diseases. Pleuritis. Cadiomyopathy. Heart defects and infectious endocarditis. Ischemic disease of heart. Heart rhythm disorder. Neurocirculatory distony. ÎÏÍ, ÕÏÍ. Ulcer. Functional diseases of intestines. Systemic diseases. ÄÂÑ syndrome. Haemorragical diatesis.
Physiotherapeutic factor. Treatment effect of physical factor on organism. Indications to administration of physiotherapeutic factor for organism. Physiotherapeutic equipment. Resorts of Kyrgyzstan.
Etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of common nosologic forms of endocrinic patients. Modern methods of endocrinic patients examination. Basic principles of pharmacological therapy for typical forms of endocrinic diseases. Principles of clinical examination and medico-labor expertise during endocrinic diseases.
Blood system disease. Normal hemopoiesis, blood production scheme. Common research methods. Diagnostics criteria for acute and chronic leucosis, anemia, hemorrhagic diatesis. Diagnostics and treatment DBC syndrome.
Goals and role of general profile physician in fight on tuberculosis and anti-tubercular measures. Tuberculosis early detection and prevention methods, diagnostics methods and their practical application. Common principles of treatment of tuberculosis patients.
Common nosological forms of professional diseases. Differential diagnosis of professional and commonly somatic diseases. Urgent conditions assessment, treatment, prevention methods.
Appendicitis. Hernia. Ulcer. Acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis. Diseases of rectum. Peritonitis. Diseases of veins and arteries. Breast diseases. Suppurative diseases of lungs. Purulent pleuritis. Diseases of thyroid. Echynococcosis.
Purulent mediastenitis. Toxic and nodal goiter. Surgery of heart troubles. Aterosclerotic affection of arteries. Diseases of esophagus. Abdominal hernia. Ulcer of stomach and DPK Intestinal impassability. Diseases of gallbladder, liver and spleen.
Infantile surgery specifics. Modern research methods in infantile surgery. Acute appendicitis in children. Peritonitis of newborns. Congenital and acquired diseases. Cerebrocranial injuries.
Common concepts of topographical anatomy (its scope, external and internal guiding lines, projections of anatomic formations on coverlets, their holotopy, skeletotopy, sintopy). Active surgery and its tasks. Role of experiment and clinics in study and improvement of surgical techniques. Modern anatomical and physiological basics of active surgery. Active access and techniques. Types of operation.
Traumatology and orthopedic
Trauma. Traumatism. Treatment of fractures and their consolidation disturbances. Spinal column injuries. Pelvic injuries. Congenital diseases of skeleto-muscular system. Concept of disasters. Bleedings. Wounds. Wound infections.
Urology as a subject. Laboratory, instrumental and x-ray methods of urological patients examinations. Urogenital system development abnormalities. Trauma, tumors and inflammatory diseases of urogenital system. Nephrogenic hypertension Urolithiasis. OPN. HPN.
The subject and tasks of stomatology. Diseases of teeth. Pulpitis. Parodont diseases. Inflammatory diseases of maxillofacial region and neck. Traumatology of maxillofacial region. Concept of oncostomatology. Congenital and acquired facial defects and deformations.
Basics of general and specific intensive care. Methods of comprehensive intensive care measures: under terminal conditions, acute respiratory and blood circulation disorders, metabolic disorders, functional disorders of liver, kidneys and central nervous system, when poisoning, severe injuries and other extreme conditions. Coma conditions.
Deontology in oncology. Common principles of early diagnostics and treatment of malignant tumors. Malignant skin tumors and melanoma. Cancer of stomach and big intestine. Breast tumors. Cancer of female sexual organs. Lung cancer. Caner of kidney, urinary bladder, prostate gland. .
Deficient anemias. Trombocytopathy. HPN in children. Non-rheumatic carditis. Heart arythmia in children. Diffuse diseases of connecting tissues. Chronic gastritis. Dodenitis. Allergic diseases. Diseases of respiratory organs. Mucoviscidosis. Pathology of central nervous system in newborns. Malabsorbtion syndrome. Rachitis. Constitutional abnormalities. Anemia in children. Chronic nutritional disorders in infants. Bronchitis, pneumonias. BA in children. Heart defects. Gastritis and duodenitis. Diseases of gastrointestinal tract and kidneys in children. Hemorrhagic diatesis in children. Hemolytic anemia. Introduction to neonatology. Mature and premature newborns. Antenatal pathology, pathology of fetus and newborns GBN. Premature newborns. Intrauterine infection of fetus. Pneumonia, sugar diabetis. Diseases of thyroid gland and adrenals in children
Introduction to obstetrics. Physiology of fetus development. Perinatology. Physiology of pregnancy. Physiologic delivery. Pelvic presentation. Delivery abnormalities. Àíîìàëèè ðîäîâîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè. Incomplete and prolonged pregnancies. Hypoxia of fetus and asphyxia of newborns. Extragenital diseases of the pregnant. Obstetric traumatism of mother and fetus. Narrow pelvis. Pregnancy and delivery with heart diseases. Delivery facilitating operations. Caesarian section. Postnatal septic diseases.
Symptomatology of gynecologic diseases. Malfunctional uteral bleedings. Menstrual cycle disorders. Amenorrhea. Neuro-endocrinal syndromes. Inflammatory diseases of uterus and adnexas. Purulent-adnexal formations. Sepsis. OPN in gynecology. Active gynecology. Entopic pregnancy. Ôîíîâûåand pre-cancer diseases of female sexual organs. Cysts and cystomas of ovary. Post-operational care in gynecology.
Management of health care and promotion in polyclinical settings. Diagnostics of most common diseases. Primary and secondary prevention principles. Detection of risk factors. Formation of dispensary groups. Working capability expertise. Detection of disability. Specifics of somatic diseases development and treatment in elderly people. Oncology alert in work of polyclinical therapist. Medical documentation processing. Acute pneumonias. Sugar diabetes. Rheumatic fever and heart defects. Chronic heart failures. Ambulatory control over patients with gastritis, ulcer. Urgent therapy at hospitals. Arythmia. Iron deficiency anemia. Ambulatory control of HNZL. Hypertension syndrome. Diseases of gallbladder. Hepatitis, Cirrhosis. Diseases of kidneys. Diseases of thyroid gland.
Management of health care and promotion for patients with surgical diseases at polyclinical settings. Diagnostics of most common diseases. Primary and secondary prevention principles. Detection of risk factors. Formation of dispensary groups. Working capability expertise. Detection of disability. Urgent surgical assistance at hospitals.
Management of health care and promotion for sick children at polyclinical settings. Diagnostics of most common diseases. Primary and secondary prevention principles. Detection of risk factors. Formation of dispensary groups. Urgent surgical assistance at hospitals.
Present-day aspects of reproductive health protection. Family planning and social patronage. Management of health care and promotion for pregnant women at polyclinical settings. Management of health care and promotion for patients with gynecological diseases at polyclinical settings. Diagnostics of most commonly occurring diseases. Urgent assistance for obstetric hemorrhages. Hypertensive conditions during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsy. Extragenital diseases and pregnancy. Anemia of the pregnant. Heart diseases and pregnancy. Diseases of liver and kidneys during pregnancy. Syndrome based approach to diagnostics and treatment of transmissive diseases. Purrulent and septic complications in obstetrics and gynecology. Control of gynecological patients at polyclinical settings. Primary and secondary prevention principles. Detections of risk factors. Formation of dispensary groups. Working capability expertise. Detection of disability. Urgent surgical assistance at pre-hospital stage.
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