About Second Tashkent State Medical University

About The University
The Second Tashkent State Medical Institute begins its history from 1918 when a medical faculty was organized at Turkestan People's University.
For a comparatively short period of time it has developed into a full-blooded University faculty both powerful in the volume of work and qualification of pedagogical personnel and in the equipment. According to the demands of that time, in 1931 the faculty was transformed into independent Central Asian Medical Institute and later in 1935 - into Tashkent State Medical Institute. Numerous medical institutes have been organized under Tashkent State Medical Institute. In 1990 it was recognized into two educational establishments: the First and Second Medical Institute.
When Uzbekistan has become independent a lot of attention has been paid to the development of Medical Institute. For a short historical period the institute has developed into one of the largest medical centers in Central Asia, which trains medical personnel, many of them have become great specialists, the pride of medical science. The Institute has played an exceptionally important role in the making and development of health protection not only in Uzbekistan but in all states of Central - Asian Region, Scientific pedagogical personnel trained by the Institute has become the reserve for the opening Medical Institutes in Kirghisia, Tajikistan, Turkmenia, partly in Kazakhstan. In the Republic of Uzbekistan reforms are held in spheres of Public Health and education. That's why at present the Institute is in the important stage of the development.
Reforms are the accomplishments of independence; they set the main task for institute: to train highly qualified physicians, deep knowledge having and scientific - pedagogical personnel, to have abilities for accomplishment of their own way of renovation and progress in the independent Republic.

The organizing structure of the Institute is typical for all higher education institutions. The Institute is headed by Prof. T.A.Daminov a Corresponding Member of the Republican Academy of Science and his deputies in educational, scientific and clinical work. All of them are graduates of the Institute increasing its famous traditions. The activities of the faculties are headed by the deans. The Rector is Council is a consultative body, it collectively directs and coordinates the work of all departments and services of the Institute and determines the basic orientations of its activity. The Institute has the following faculties: General Practitioner, stomatological, medico-pedagogical (trains GP and teachers for medical colleges) and faculty of nurses with high education.
The Institute has the Republic Center of professors' and teachers' refreshment training for personnel of colleges and medical institutes of Uzbekistan. At present the institute has over 3000 students from our and other countries.
In the first year students learn theoretical and medical-biological subjects: the History of Uzbekistan, Languages, Medical Chemistry and Physics, Biology with General Genetics and also fundamental subjects such as: Anatomy and Histology.
Beginning from the third year the students study Pharmacology, Pathologic physiology, Operative Surgery with Topographic Anatomy, Pathologic Anatomy and some clinical disciplines which lay the base for formation of a really good doctor.

At the clinical departments the students learn the foundations of clinical medicine. There are departments of Surgery, Internal Diseases, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Roentgenology and Radiology, Physiatry, Skin and Venereal Diseases and also Nervous, Infectious Diseases, Psychiatry, Therapeutically, Surgical, Orthopedic and Children Stomatology at the Institute. They have their hospital and polyclinic basis.
These departments contribute to formation of medical thinking in students, understanding of causes of disease development, its treatment and prophylaxis.
Over 450 teachers work at departments and laboratories of the institute including 7 Academicians of the AS of Uzbekistan and international academy, 100 doctors of science and 210 candidates of science. In connection with reform of higher medical education in the Republic of Uzbekistan and transition to step-by-step training of medical workers, the academic process at the Institute has been organized according to the new syllabus. The graduates of General Practitioner and medico-pedagogical faculties get diplomas of the general practitioners and get the opportunity to work in the primary care units. Those who want to be qualified specialists in specified areas of medicine enter the 2-3 year courses to get Master's degree.
The graduates of stomatological faculty get diploma of general stomatologist. They also have opportunity to enter courses for getting specialization. The graduates of Master's Degree courses after that can enter post-graduate and doctoral courses.
Graduated physicians of medical-pedagogical faculty can deliver not only general practitioner activity, but teach students in medical schools of the Republic. Thus, the sense of the reorganization of the academic process is to make our Institute's Diploma convertible (i.e. it is to be generally recognized) and our graduates should meet the international requirements.
The students' knowledge is checked by the rating system (i.e. in scores for every lesson) at the end of some basic parts of the disciplines under study and at the end of the subject course. The final control is performed in the Computer Test-Center. It should be stressed that the rating system is an objective and progressive method of knowledge testing; it enables to assess everyday academic work of a student.

The leadership of the Institute made everything for successful study and acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge - state grants, which are given to all students, comfortable hostels, technical means, powerful computing systems. The main library has all the necessary 10000 books, foreign and native, and which is much more than the number of students. At present the literary fund of the library has mote than 600 thousand books. There is a sufficient quantity of well-equipped reading-halls.
At the departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Infection and Skin Diseases and also at Microsurgery, Children's Surgical Stomatology professors and teachers render qualified medical help to the people of the Republic. The students acquire practical experience in treating patients and medical deontology. In prophylactic treatment of the patients the newest methods of investigations and curing are used. In order to improve the quality of clinical-diagnostically work and treat at the modern level all laboratories are united into Central diagnostically laboratory, which has biochemical, functional departments. The central X-ray services are available.

Students Scientific Society is widely popular at the institute. The most capable students are the members of the Society. They undertake research work, deepen their knowledge in various fields of medicine and gain necessary experience. The best of them take part in the work of local and republican scientific conferences and get prizes. The First Tashkent State Medical Institute is the center of medical scientific thought in Uzbekistan. It heads and coordinates the scientific investigations in physiology of gastro-intestinal tract, children's infection, pharmacology, etc. The achievements of scientists of the Institute are of fundamental character: their aim is to implement the new methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases taking into account the peculiarities of climate, geography and ecology of Uzbekistan.
The acknowledgment of the authority of the 1st Tashkent Medical Institute is demonstrated by the fact that more than 80 students, research workers and postgraduates from 12 foreign countries study and carry out their scientific work in the classes and laboratories of the institute.

The institute has a library of foreign literature. It has over 15 thousand study books of the latest years. In the reading hall there are computer with Internet and e-mail system that is connected to the library of Korean Seoul University.

Foreign citizens give preference to this institute due to a number of objective reasons: professionally, high standards and level of education, learning diagnostics, treating regional pathology and such factors as religious freedom, law defense, favorable climate which are mainly important for countries of Asia and Latin America. Foreign students who study at our institute have everything necessary to learn the most humane profession. Their daily problems are settled at the dean's office. Together with other students they celebrate holidays and festivals, go in for sports, have rest in after-work sanatoriums, summer health-improvement camps, take part in amateur performances, and meet famous people of the Republic. It is a great honor to study at our Institute.

Actively supporting and following the political course which President I.A.Karimov puts into practice, the staff of the Institute is orientated towards more persistent work on improving educational process and effectiveness of research work, achieving better results in educating students in humanistic and spiritual values, inherent by Uzbek people and proclaimed as priority of the state policy of Uzbekistan Republic. The staff of the institute fulfills the important task - training of high skilled physicians and strives to improve the educational process, to rise efficiency of scientific researches and to prepare humane and spiritually rich individuals.


  1. Hello,

    I want to register in the Faculty of Medicine. I have a Transcript for studied medicine in Saudi Arabia for three semesters and one summer semester. I want to Transfer to MD program in English because I want to continue my medical studies in your university. I have scholarship of SACM.

    What is entrance requirements in Faculty of Medicine?

  2. heloo sir
    any body help me in WES evaluation
    I am resident of indai pass out Tashmii in 2000

  3. heloo sir
    any body help me in WES evaluation
    I am resident of india pass out Tashmii in 2000
    after getting a WES number how can I apply ti Tashmii for evaluation
